Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pictures Pertaining To Boxes Investigation

Pictures Received From Persons Cooperating in Our Search:One Left Click Enlarges: More as archive searched.

Very close up of shipping label Looks like August 10, 2000 to me but really someone who works for the post office should interpret this.
Tracking Label I think (I don't work for the post office).
Albert C Nichols Dogtag (Is this where Verner got the idea to call himself "Nik"??? Was this a friend from the Korean Conflict??? Did Verner know Paul B Winn in Korea when when was with the negotiating team to get an armistice for the Korean war? Well Paul???  Here's an interesting Obit: Albert C Nichols was born on 04/13/1923 and died on 06/11/1997. Albert Nichols is buried in the cemetery: Good Hope Cemetery, which is located in Troy, AL. Another obit:Albert "Al" C. Nichols, 89, a life time resident of Des Moines, Iowa, passed away on Tuesday, November 9, 2010. I'm betting on the one in Troy! Just TOOO Close!!
Notice the box in the top left corner. Undisturbed condition.
Dog Tags from a fellow soldier of Nik's?????????  Is this where Verner got the name Nik? From Albert C "Nik" Nichols???
Official military form showing the children of Veron Nicely: Paul Verner Nicely and Gary Dale Nicely. 
Pawn Stars Parking lot during one of the investigator's trips
Nik and Eva's apartment in Goshen
Mandalay Bay while investigator was interviewing Las Vegas persons who still had a bunch of Howard's papers and effects!
Car Mark Musick drove from Cobb County Ga to Troy Alabama
Sample of I think "Nik's" writing (Not a writing expert)  A lot of the pictures were obtained by an independent investigator that visited the "farm" of Nik Nicely as described in the "Boxes" book by Douglas Wellman and Mark Musick
Sample of "Niks" or Eva's writing, think it's Nik because of the technical writing about a very specific Khroler commode!
Above is a pic of the Nik's ramp of "Boxes".  Note that someone has built him a ramp. He also slept in a hospital bed with VA monogrammed sheets.  It was from one of these bloody sheets that the the investigator obtained the positive DNA profile as posted in an earlier post on this blog.  

We had some discussion about the pic of the box below, it is evidently a box mailed to Nic Nicely from his relatives in the Nicely clan during the time he was supposed to be Howard in hiding????? No conclusions here but we wondered why "Howard" would be getting packages from "Niks" relatives when they supposedly hadn't heard from him in a long time???? A big question there!
Shipping label of Box from Nicely to Nik the date is bearly descernable
Eva's plastic

Mark Musick speaking near Nik's "ranch"
Large box from Nicely relatives to "Nik"


1 comment:

  1. Elvis Secret Badge From Nixon with two bodyguards West?
    Beebe Rebozo ,bagman of nixon own bank Key Biscayne,
    Beebe lived next door Nixon at 468 Bay Lane, on Key Biscayne
    Howard Hughes arrived Las Vegas in November 1967 bought casinos land tv station
    the Sands, Castaways, Landmark, Frontier, Silver Slipper, and Desert Inn, all in Las Vegas. Hughes Tool also purchased KLAS-TV, Las Vega etcSands, Carl Cohen. Howard Hughes had taken over.(November 25, 1970,man was lifted on gurney into Lockheed JetStar Aircraft flown to Bahamas. )Rumor of Howard Hughes' alleged seduction at age 15 by an uncle,____?
    Errol Flyn & Cary Grant & Randolph Scott & Danny Kaye &David Bacon .
    Howard Hughes divorces1st wife Rice with a $1.2 million settlement (hughes cheat on wife)
    eccentric RKO boss Howard Hughes became interested in Elizabeth Taylor , he sent his lawyer to Mrs Taylor with an offer of $1m to arrange a marriage with her later She relationship with William Pawley Jr.&Howard Hughes punched Ava Gardner during drunken argument.
    Ava Gardner with Frank Sinatra their violent relationship arguements explosions.
    .Howard Hughes gave money to Nixon campaign.Eva McLelland Chocolate, Pepsi, and Classical Music what Huges vern Niceley had common with Eva.Eva McLelland, a former Goshen neighbor. Bozeman and her husband, Paul, were friends with McLelland.“I didn’t know what to think,” Bozeman said, laughing. “It sounded so far fetched. We knew Nik ( Verner Nicely) and he was unusual. He was reclusive, eccentric and very paranoid. He was scared to death of germs – but Howard Hughes? That didn’t seem like it could be.”“They were both very secretive but nice,” she said. “After they moved to Whittington Manor in Brundidge and then to Dothan, they kept in touch with us. After Nik died, Eva asked me to go over to their place and find some things that she wanted. I did and took them to her. She kept a few of them but sent most of the stuff back home with me to keep. One thing was the family Bible.”Bozeman said McLelland sometimes confided in her.“I don’t know what to believe,” Bozeman said, with a smile. “I’m not saying it’s true and I’m not saying it’s not. But, if that was Eva’s secret, it was a big one.” Eva McLellandShe told me of times that men dressed in suits came to their place and talked with Nik,” Bozeman said. “And, she told me several times that she had a big secret that she was having to keep. She said the secret couldn’t be known until she and Nik were both dead.”After Nicely’s death in 2000.Eva McLelland died in 2009.Boxes Book:Her “secret” was revealed in the spring of 2010.Eva & Verner moved Arizonia 1970s & then to Alabama 1970s.Eva McLelland,Verner Nicely a former Goshen neighbor. Mary /Paul Bozeman .Eva & Verner HRH living 20 acres in White House .Verner germ phobia & hardhearing (hearing aid?) Verner wouldn't hear Eva-He start arguements then either one would pack up leave then weeks & months later - reunite -come back to each other.Verner Nicely told Eva that LbJ involved JFK demise.Eva said men in black suits came and a helicopter but the neighbors in Goshen ala did not mention no helicopters & strange occurences.( Frank Lee Morris cousin lived Dothan & John and Clarence Anglin Donalsonville, Georgia.to Ruskin, Florida)Eva would tell Mary strange stories about what going on 20acres.Howard Hughes didn't die in 1976 but lived another 25 years as Nik Nicely married to Eva McLelland.Howard Hughes Doubles Vance Cooper and Brooks Randle.Hughes illegimate closet children :Cindy Davis Hughes ,John McDonald.( Bob McDonald,Johnny Roselli, Jack Dragna calif) & Sam Giancana(chicago/mexico) & Nick Moretta& Archie McDonald &ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu, who later became a proxy to billionaire Howard Hughes in Las Vegas- Robert Maheu -fountainbleu Miami, meeting with Mr. Roselli and other mob figures Trafficante & Giancana ,and the Rat Pack & Jerry Lewis played at the Fountainbleu Miami florida.
